Amplifying women and girls’ voices

This focus area seeks to increase the visibility, significance, and legitimacy of African women and girls’ voice and agency. This will include facilitating African women to build community, share skills, re-write or shift narratives and amplify each other’s voices. EDWAMA CBO will also continue to be a formidable flag bearer for African women and girls in global spaces.


EDWAMA CBO regards communication as a strategic anchor for amplifying the voices of and connecting women and girls at different levels for purposes of scaling impact. This includes creatively telling the African feminist narrative to strategically trigger transformative action. EDWAMA CBO will also seek to establish herself as an authority and newsmaker among major regional and international media platforms. This requires that EDWAMA CBO and her members strengthen their capacity to engage confidently and authoritatively with the media, and consistently generate content that triggers the desired impact. A key role of the Network and her members will be to filter information, and to make it simple, articulate, and authoritative.

Strategic Objective

Increase the visibility and significance of African women and girls’ voice and agency towards claiming their rights and equality.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Critical African women and girls’ voices and narratives are captured and/ or re-written.
  2. Content generated by African women and girls used to inform, amplify, and inspire actions towards advancing dignity and gender equality.
  3. Women’s rights organizations setting the women’s rights agenda before, during and after strategic events using mainstream and digital media platforms.
  4. Citations, credits, reviews, references, and downloads by other stakeholders quoting and referencing African women’s voices and content in EDWAMA’S knowledge products.
  5. Increased digital media footprint on women’s rights issues (diversity of channels used, no of applicable articles etc.)